

You are what you eat

You are what you eat

Image by Silvia from Pixabay

Undoubtedly, you have heard the saying "You are what you eat" a lot. Have you ever for sometimes given it any serious thoughts? And do you consider that while choosing what to eat?    We do become what we consume in certain instances. Has eating a fast food hamburger ever caused you to view an example of your blood plasma? The fat and cholesterol ingested from a high-fat hamburger cause what was once a clear liquid to become hazy.

Additionally, we become what we don't consume when we stop to think about it. We become less obese and are less vulnerable to several types of cancer when we move from a meat-based diet to a vegetarian one. We can lower our cholesterol. Many additional health and fitness-related problems go down when we lose weight and consume fewer animal products. Diabetes mellitus type II is less common. Blood pressure returns to typical levels. You use fewer drugs while you're in better health. Less co-payments on prescription drugs mean you're still saving money even if your health plan includes a prescription drug benefit.

You have an especially strong incentive to change your dietary habits if you have relatives with a history of high blood pressure or cholesterol. It has been demonstrated statistically that adopting a more vegetarian way of life lowers the prevalence in several industrialized countries. Vegetarians live longer and are scientifically healthier than omnivores because they are thinner.

Isn't it time to consider your goals and adjust your diet accordingly? Do you want to be overweight and lethargic? With their high-fat content, do you want to take the chance that comes with consuming animal products? Or would you rather resemble and embody what vegans do? longer projected lifetime, leaner, and fitter. It's never and not too late to make a firm lifestyle change that will definitely improve your chances of living a much longer and healthier life.

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