

Lianas diet: Humans did not always eat meat

Lianas diet: Humans did not always eat meat

Humans did not always eat meat.

Do you ever consider how far we have strayed from our prehistoric predecessors' dietary habits? Consider how early people developed and the foods that they ate. They evolved as hunter-gatherers rather than carnivores. Humans are not designed to rip animals apart and consume their flesh. When you take a look at carnivorous creatures, such wild cats, you can see that their teeth are intended to rip and tear rather than chew.

Humans developed from vegetarian animals. Even our gastrointestinal tracts are not well-suited to digesting meat. Meat consumption is a relatively new phenomenon in the history of humanity, most likely the result of chance and necessity. Perhaps the first humans witnessed carnivores eating meat, and if they couldn't locate any of the natural things they were used to consuming, such as vegetables, berries, nuts, and grains, they reasoned that eating flesh would at least preserve life.

Lianas diet: Humans did not always eat meat

However, humans first mimicked the species from whom we originated, herbivores such as apes. Even to a primordial mind, monkeys would have appeared identical to humans, walking upright with hands and arms. We would have naturally foraged for food, consuming roots, berries, fruits, and nuts. We would have observed the monkeys peel bananas or crush nuts on rocks to get the flesh.

We might have been more present in the moment, continuously scavenging for nourishment. Hunting, after all, needs strategy and preparation. Eating meat necessitates preparation and, more significantly, fire. Until the discovery of fire, man was predominantly a vegetarian, living in accordance with nature. Vegetarian diet is more natural and healthier. It is a manner of living that is in harmony with the environment rather than attempting to dominate and conquer it.

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