

Unveiling the Truth: The Dark Reality Behind Dairy in Vegetarian Diets

Unveiling the Truth

Even if you don't consume any meat, you can still consider milk to be a component of a vegetarian diet since you consume it or use it. We all have mental pictures of farmers manually pumping milk, and it appears to be a normal part of life and a relatively harmless way to use the cow. On the other hand, we don't really devote any thought to it at all, do we?

Are you aware of the living style of a cow that is reared for the purpose of generating milk? Milk cows, like the majority of animals that are utilized for mass consumption, are kept in circumstances that are crowded and frequently dirty. Hormones are administered to it in order to accelerate its reproductive activities. This is because one of the primary functions of a mother's milk is to nourish her child. As soon as a calf is born though, it’s removed from its mother. A female calf frequently suffers the same destiny as its mother, while a male calf frequently suffers a dreadful end when it is kept for the purpose of producing veal.
Frequently, the cows lament the loss of their young. People will be able to hear them calling out for them and searching for them. The natural order of things has been thrown off by the production of milk in large quantities for human use.

The cows are administered hormones to continue to promote milk output. The electric pumps are uncomfortable to the cow’s udders. With the hormone stimulation, cows are compelled to produce 10 times more milk than they would naturally.

When their milk-producing days are finished, the cows are subsequently butchered for ground beef. It also requires huge natural resources to feed and hydrate all many cows. The water table is being eroded to maintain this vast business. And the trash created by all these enormous animals is having a harmful influence on the ecosystem.

We truly don’t need to eat milk after a certain age. Why would we continue to support this business that’s predicated on animal suffering? To truly top things off, humans are not made to drink cow milk. Calf’s are designed to consume cow milk and we people are meant to drink human milk. Our bodies were not meant to digest the proteins in cow milk — so why bother? Especially when you can obtain more calcium from a green, leafy vegetable? 


The amount of turkey consumed in the US has grown over time. It is no longer just consumed between Thanksgiving and Christmas, but all year long. Large-scale production of turkeys for human consumption is every bit as cruel as large-scale production of chickens.
In order to prevent the inherently violent tendencies that arise when an animal is kept confined without room to move and forage freely, turkeys are housed in small, gloomy areas. They are overfed to the point that the weight of the breast tissue becomes too much for their legs to bear. Furthermore, at the age of two, this animal—which typically has a 10-year lifespan—is usually put to death.

Disease among commercial turkeys is common due to unhealthy and overcrowded circumstances, and every year, over 2.7 million birds pass away in their sheds. Common conditions include malformed feet and legs, heat exhaustion, and malnutrition brought on by the juvenile birds' incapacity to locate the water and food troughs. Common injuries include burned hocks and ulcerated feet, which are brought on by persistent contact with feces- and urine-contaminated litter.

Is it really possible to have the same perspective on a roasted turkey while having supper on your next holiday? The same guidelines that apply to cleaning and preparing chickens also apply to turkeys. To guarantee that all pathogenic germs are eliminated, you must make sure they are cooked to a certain temperature. Again, to eradicate any bacteria, you should use bleach to clean any counter area.
Doesn't it present a strong argument in favor of a vegetarian diet? Jokes about vegetarian dinners that consist of nut breads and veggies rather of meat now appear more sensible, both in terms of health and humaneness. Why do we continue to eat in a way that is intrinsically harmful and unhealthful for us? When planning your next holiday meal, think about serving an all-vegetarian cuisine. Since a large portion of the meal is already plant-based, switching from turkey to a plant-based main dish is only a minor adjustment. 

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