

Only 10 words were spoken by Trump at his arraignment. They were as follows.

On Tuesday, the first indictment of a former American president took place behind closed doors, shielded from the throng of tv microphones and cameras outside.

Only 10 words were spoken by Trump at his arraignment. They were as follows.

Journalists who gained access to the courtroom in Lower Manhattan, where the prosecution laid out the accusations against Donald Trump, were permitted to take notes and jot down quotations. The sole publicly accessible documentation of the proceeding, which had far-reaching political repercussions and had no analog in American history, is an attempt was made court transcript and sketches from 3 courtroom sketch artists. Five still media photographers were given permission by New York Supreme Court Judge Juan Merchan to capture the moment, but they were kicked out before the arraignment had started.

Trump said barely 10 words in total throughout the hour-long session. Trump said barely 10 words in total throughout the hour-long session.

Many were just one or two-word answers to the judge's procedural queries. They nearly read like a haiku when read together, a sharp contrast to the meandering speeches, heated interviews, and strongman's bluster that have traditionally defined Trump's political brand.

When he did speak, the former president kept his remarks to the point. His voice sounded melancholy, even bitter. He sat crouched in his chair, occasionally hearing his lawyers whispering. He hardly ever showed any facial expressions.

As with any other criminal proceeding, the hearing got underway. Indictment 71543, Persons of the New York State v. Donald J. Trump was retrieved by the court clerk. Merchan went right to the point after the prosecutor and defense counsel introduced themselves.

According to the transcript, the judge stated, "Let's arraign Mr. Trump."

34 counts of first-degree business record falsification were included in the felony accusations. Merchan questioned, "How do you plea to this indictment, guilty or not guilty?"

Trump, wearing a navy suit and a bold red tie, said, "Not guilty."

The prosecution's argument focused on Trump's participation in bribing adult film star Stormy Daniels to remain silent about an alleged sexual encounter in order to safeguard his presidential campaign. Trump sat silently between his 4 lawyers and listened to the prosecution's evidence.

Only 10 words were spoken by Trump at his arraignment. They were as follows.

Prosecutors outlined the allegations before focusing on Trump's recent comments regarding the issue. Prior to his indictment, he expressed concern that his arrest may result in "death & devastation," and he later accused Merchan and the district attorney of being prejudiced against him.

Christopher Conroy, an assistant district attorney, urged the judge to enforce a protection order to restrict Trump from posting private material obtained during the case's discovery phase.

Todd White, the lawyer for Trump, objected to the prosecutor's emphasis on Trump's remarks. Trump had "responded, and responded angrily," he conceded, to the charges, but insisted that his statements did not constitute harassment or threats.

The judge was informed by Blanche that part of the defendant's answer was that he was "extremely agitated, outraged, and thinks that there is a severe injustice happening with his presence in this courtroom today."

He has rights, said Blanche. He is permitted to address the public.

The court stated that he did not believe Trump's comments were motivated only by exasperation. Trump should "refrain from making remarks that are most likely to cause violence or civil disorder," the defense team, according to him. He instructed the prosecution to treat the witnesses in the same way.

The sides engaged in a lengthy conversation about the case's future stages before debating whether Trump's colorful and outspoken lawyer Joe Tacopina had a vested interest in doing so.

Since Daniels, an eyewitness in the case, previously approached Tacopina about possibly employing him, the prosecution said that Tacopina should be ruled out. Tacopina claimed that there was no conflict because, among other things, he had rejected her case.

The judge turned to face Trump and informed him that he has an "absolute right to conflict-free representation" even though he was not making any factual findings.

Absolutely, Trump replied.

Trump was free to "contact with the other lawyers, run this problem by them, and then see how you think about it when this is through, okay," Merchant added.

Only 10 words were spoken by Trump at his arraignment. They were as follows.

Alright, thanks," was Trump's reply.

The court then proceeded to read Trump a number of Parker cautions, which advise defendants in criminal cases that it is in their best interests to be present at all key junctures in their case.

Merchant stated that if Trump decides not to show up, he has the power to continue without him.

Do you comprehend that? he inquired.

Absolutely, Trump replied.

The judge also threatened to eject Donald from the courtroom if he behaved in a way that interfered with his capacity to oversee the case or otherwise became "disruptive." He understood that, right?

I do," Trump said in answer.

Lastly, Merchan pointed out that if Trump was dismissed or renounced his right to present, the trial, judgment, and punishment could all occur without him.

Do you comprehend? the judge repeated.

Stone-faced, Trump delivered his final response.


This report was contributed to by Shayna Jacobs and Jacqueline Alemany.

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