

How to cancel a Gmail send for up to thirty seconds.


You may quickly recall emails with this short tip.

You may quickly recall emails with this short tip.

Even if you consistently check the "To" field for accuracy when sending emails, you're just human. It's normal to occasionally overlook a file link or discover you typed someone's name incorrectly after clicking "Send." Gmail users are fortunate to have a built-in safeguard that makes it simple to immediately reverse sending an email.

To prolong your undo sent the window past the normal five seconds, simply follow these easy steps.

How to cancel a text on a phone

1. In the Gmail app, click "Send" to send an email.

2. Look for an "Undo" notification just at the bottom right corner of your screen as soon as you click the submit button.

3. Click "Undo."

4. You can make any necessary changes when your original message reappears.

How to cancel a desktop send

1. In an email, click "Send."

2. Immediately after clicking "Send," check your screen for a notice that reads "Message sent" in the lower left corner.

3. Select "Undo" by clicking the button toward the right of "Message sent."

4. You'll then be able to edit your message in a draft that appears.

After sending an email, click "Undo."

You'll have five seconds by default to click "Undo," but you may easily increase the time limit up to 30 seconds.

How to make the undo send window bigger

1. Launch Gmail on your computer.

2. Select the "Settings" icon in the top right.

3. Click "See all settings" in step two.

4. Locate the text "Undo Send" and "Send cancellation period" on the line.

5. To select between 5, 10, 20, or 30 seconds, use the dropdown for "Send cancellation period".

6. Scroll to the page's bottom and click "Save changes."

To increase your undo send window, go to settings in Gmail.

Give yourself an additional 30 seconds to cancel a send.

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